Intelligent Voice is pleased to announce the release of Intelligent Voice 4.11, a release that includes important bug fixes and security updates.
Installation Notes
For a complete summary of the installation steps please refer to this document.
New Features and Upgrades
- Multi-lingual Tagger
- Drupal Upgrade
- Ubuntu kernel update
- MariaDB Upgrade
- INT-3367 Create Redact endpoint that accept a list of redactions to apply to a transcript
- INT-3227 Implement a mode that allows you to preview scheduler queries without creating any Gearman tasks
- INT-3461 IMAPService: Add to the Relativity payload the RetryCount key
- INT-3283 The IMAPService is not verifying all certificates by default
- INT-3268 Amend the IMAPService so that all items sent to Relativity can be queued for the DeleteItemWorker
- INT-3354 Add new fields to the EmailExportWorker
- INT-3295 Change the response of /items to add the channel number to the speaker
- INT-3272 Remove the redundant capitalisation code from the PSRT Mangler
Bug Fixes
- INT-3290 SRTs don't always come in the same order from the webservice
- INT-3447 Inconsistency of data returned by getGroupSummary and getGroupDetail webservices
- INT-3431 getGroupSummary endpoint returns wrong amount for "completed items"
- INT-3449 Failed Items count is not returned until the whole import is completed
- INT-3444 Import item count is not returned until the whole import is completed
- INT-3446 Export Item as HTML fills up the /tmp folder taking all the disk space
- INT-3442 On saving Tags IV returns HTTP 200 even though there was an error
- INT-3441 String too long exception in person DB table
- INT-3416 NOT_A_NUMBER exception thrown by PhoneNumberUtil.parse() when parsing phone number from Weston Digital Call recorder
- INT-3420 Delete Group end point failing with FK constraint error
- INT-3413 Get Recording for Item endpoint doesn't return a wav even if specified
- INT-3297 Import failed with "DuplicateKeyException" inserting into 2_srt_model_link
- INT-3296 Export stuck on existing file
- INT-3032 Items count in Import Report page is not correct
- INT-3372 Create PCI redacted text export
- INT-3433 Email items import cannot be finished
- INT-3331 Removing a specific redaction in the transcript, removes all the others as well, if present
- INT-3347 ImportItemCompletedScheduler still kicks in before an item is complete
- INT-3339 Redacted audio downloaded from JumpToWeb returns the original version of the Recording
- INT-3329 Error when redacting long recording
- INT-3364 Make number of Hypertree results configurable
- INT-3362 Hypertree excludes too many duplicate titles
- INT-2429 Hypertree doesn't show correct results
- INT-3455 Failed to mark as complete when .flv video import fails
- INT-3453 Video .flv file falling over in Diarization, doing SoundUtil.getDuration
- INT-3432 IV throws error when processing video
- INT-3418 SmartTranscript for Video Items doesn't display the video
- INT-3306 Video playback in Jump2Web and ST not working for mov, flv, m4v, 3gp
- INT-3321 ffmpeg invoked for non audio files during Export
- INT-3450 IMAPService installer failing because cannot install gnuplot-nox Bug
- INT-3397 IMAPService installation error - chown: cannot access /opt/IMAPService/IMAPConnectorService.pkl': No such file or directory
- INT-3457 EmailExportWorker throwing exception because the email module cannot handle attachments with unicode character
- INT-3456 EmailExportWorker throwing exception with email encoded but without the header with the encode type
- INT-3308 EmailExportWorker is throwing exception "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'"
- INT-3334 Diar2Worker fails to start when installed on its own on a new server
- INT-3294 IMAPDownloadWorker throws exception "NameError: global name 'queue_download_task' is not defined"
- INT-3288 IMAPMoveMessageWorker throws "UnboundLocal" exception
- INT-3264 throws exception "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'"
- INT-3341 TaggerWorker fails before Sphinxsearch has started
- INT-3415 Tagger unmatched regex exception doesn't allow import to finish
- INT-3399 TaggerWorker failed with error "query is non-computable (single NOT operator)"
- INT-3398 Tagger is not correctly escaping special characters before using them in a REGEX
- INT-3448 Missing import in
- INT-3440 ASR throwing exception NameError: global name 'return_asr' is not defined
- INT-3335 Installing ASRWorker on its own on a new server gives an error
- INT-3430 VAD crashes when receives HTTP Response Status 500 from IV
- INT-3014 VAD Worker marks all jobs completed if it cannot start working on them
- INT-3359 QualityScoreExportWorker does not handle files with no wordLattice available
- INT-3319 QualityWorker Exception Error
- INT-3411 Create_srt_model_link.sql script drops and recreate table
- INT-3263 evitem_properties table is not created when upgrading systems prior IV 4.7
- INT-3235 Auto increment in table evitem is starting from 1 if the table is empty
- INT-3210 [Red Hat] The App Installer does not restart MySQL process during installation. As a result the custom configuration does not take effect and the inno_db_log files are missing until mysql is manually restarted
- INT-3410 [Red Hat] psrt mangler is not installed/enabled
- INT-3424 [Red Hat] Sphinx Search doesn't get installed as the sphinx package is not specified in the install_sphinx() function
- INT-3365 [Ubuntu] is not stopping when one of the component scripts has an error
- INT-2997 [Ubuntu] Tomcat j2ws.log goes missing, but it is not being removed the logrotate script.
- INT-2543 [Red Hat] Install_standalone does not set ownership of /var/www/html/JumpToWeb
Download links
Superseded by IV 4.11.2